Saturday, December 29, 2007

All that comes with Christmas....

Well, as it would have to be, the dreaded visit to the chiropractor came yesterday.  I was bent and twisted like a pretzel all in the hopes of getting my shoulder to quit hurting.  What happened, might you ask?  Well, as the report that was filled out at the chiropractor's office reads, I was attacked by my cousin.  Here is how the story goes....This was the same Christmas gathering that happened to have the other great stories involving my grandmother (which you can refer to in early posts this month).  I was playing with my little cousin Jenna (she's 18 months, and I'm one of her favorites), so I'm laying on the floor.  Well, Jenna's brother Ben, thought this was a good time to practice one of his WWF moves on me.  Not sure where he learned it, but he gets up on the coffee table, and just gives me the smack down by jumping on my chest.  Well, it got the left side of my shoulder, and it's been hurting for days.  I'm not sure that he really used the coffee table or not, but man he seemed to be coming from the ceiling, and I never did see it coming till it was over.  Needless to say that it was the end of my day on the floor.  Ben wanted to keep going putting more wrestling moves on me, but I was too injured to continue.  That goes in the category of all that comes with Christmas.
This little blog is catching on a bit.  I know I appreciate and daily check in on Living on Liquid, and I appreciated his list of Year End awards.  I noticed I've made it in the blogging world, with a link from him.  Thank Tom.  And, as to not disappoint, for all those out there that think, "So, you work at a radio station, you just talk into a microphone, right?  Well, no, that's not it at all. Upcoming posts will include:
My Normal Day
 Extras around the Station
 and A Night at the Game
It will give you a little glimpse into what goes on before you hear the voice, weather, and music on your radio.  Those coming soon in 2008!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

And the winner is....

Well, it's always fun to look back and see what Christmas gifts actually made the cut as gift of the year.  Last year, the iPod won, hands down.  This year, it was more because it was a bit of a peculiar one, or at least one I didn't see coming.  My brother got me a power steering pump.  Yes, a power steering pump (and it came with installation!)  See, anyone who has actually driven my Trailblazer would testify (my mom, Steph, or any others) when the pump would decide to stop working, it wasn't exactly at a very good time.  For example, it would stop working as I'm trying to pull into a parking space between two other quite expansive cars, or worse then that, while trying to back the jetski into the lake.  Anyhow, not exactly something that would have been on many people's list, but none the less, it was very practical, and something that needed to be done about a year before I actually did it.  Anyhow, I'm thankful for my new power steering pump, and thanks Trent!
The other interesting experience this Christmas came on Christmas day when my cousin-in-law Lu brought her parents to our farm.  Her parents are from Brazil and speak only Portuguese.  Well, needless to say, that doesn't go well for our family, because exactly none of us speak any foreign languages other than German.  Sometimes, my grandmother - whom I love dearly -would try to just talk louder and slower to help them understand.  Well, after they still didn't get it, my cousin-in-law would come in and translate.  But the rest of us got a good laugh at poor grandma, that's for sure.  They did enjoy playing Christmas Bingo though.  It's the same instead of numbers there are other things about Christmas, like gift, star, ornament, tree, Santa Clause, and so on.  They did catch on and did get some Bingos in there also.   It was a big of a challenge, but we did make it though, and learned a couple things too.  #1. Santa Clause in Portuguese is Papa Noel, (not Papa Luigi as I mistakenly called it once), and closing and #2. Chow!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ohhh Christmas....

The Christmas season is here, and some great time off will feel good.  Snow here, and some time with the family on Christmas eve, then on Christmas day, we get to fill the house with the little happy kids that come for the day.  Should be fun, and I'll get to play with them all the same.  After Christmas, we get back to the grind, and get one day for New Years before the sports season gets to full swing.  We are off to the end of the year, but then we really will pick it up in '08.  
We also get to have another Christmas with the other side of the family in January, so that will be kind of nice to get some time there in even during the regular course of the week.  Hey, if you feel let, check out the links, and the pictures that are also linked on the sidebar.  Some good stuff tacked in there.  Have a great Christmas.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Almost there....

Christmas in moving in on us, and time is just flying past me here.  Don't know if it will get to slow or not, but it's been a pretty decent start to the season of basketball, and reffing, and all the other fun stuff around this time of year.  Been doing alot of travel different places to do some games.  Been as far as Gettysburg, and Watertown, and will hit alot more places in the season as it goes.  Got to call a technical in the freshmen game I reffed tonight.  Kids just can't seem to get the whole not being able to spike the ball concept.
Also, wanted to relate a story about Tom.  He didn't tell this story on blog, but I loved it.  Last week, he came in to the radio station with a guy in his company, and I couldn't figure out what they would be up to at that time of the day, as it was nearly 10am.  Granted, I always tease Tom about not doing anything at his job anyway (he does even less than I do), but this seemed odd.  Since he works for the power company, I could not stop laughing when he said they were there because they had nothing to do as they had lost power at their offices.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Into the season we season that is...

Well, it's full swing now in the world of the sports.  I've been doing plenty of refereeing already and doing more of the play by play at the station as of recently.  Been out on the road and still been enjoying it.  The hockey, well, not quite enjoying it as much as Tom has been, but it's still not the end of the world, but getting closer.  
Well, we get closer to Christmas, it's just keeps getting busier.  Thus why i prefer Thanksgiving to Christmas, although with the day on a Tuesday, that means some long weekends, so yeah for that!  Well, I'm sure we'll see you out on the road, or along the way somewhere through the season.

Monday, December 3, 2007

If it has to be winter.....

Well, if it does have to be winter, I guess we do have basketball to make it go faster.  Tomorrow I get to call the Miller girls game in Gettysburg, and it's gonna be a good time.  By far the best part of my job is doing the basketball games, and tomorrow I kick off another season.  Despite the long travel time, it's gonna be quite fun, as long as there is no freezing rain (which is a possibility).  At any rate, almost time for football game tonite, so it will be a wrap for now....

Saturday, December 1, 2007

hello world!

Well, I've finally caved in and gotten the blog.  Not sure why, seems like some are quite good, some, maybe not so much.  It will be a good thing, and something to share thoughts on, and who knows, other updates too.  Enjoy, as the first snow this winter invades us here in SD, I'm ready for summer....