Thursday, February 25, 2010

One Month

Well, it's rapidly approaching. One more month until the big day happens. It's unreal how fast time has just flown by this winter. Of course, some days took longer than others. This weekend is the big going away party for me. One thing that I like about this is that I still get to referee soccer, I get to keep my toys, and motorcycle riding is encouraged! Ohh yeah, I've got that great of a girl, that's for sure! I'm wishing I got $1 toward the wedding fund every time someone asked me how long it was yet. I think that should be a requirement. Sometimes, things seem almost overwhelming to think about, but truth be told, I'm going to need the sanity that Heather brings around here. If you don't believe me, just look at the people I used to hang around. You'd need sanity too! : )

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Troubles and Olympics

Well, today was a day that I've not had happen before. I was on the interstate heading over to Chamberlain and I blew a tire on the SUV. About 20 miles before, I was talking to Bob riding with me, and we noticed a shimmy in the front end. I figured it was just an alignment problem, and we continued on. Well, I didn't know what was ahead, and it was quite an experience, but not quite as interesting as rolling one. Been there, done that. The only issues I had with this were getting the spare out, and getting the jack high enough, and getting the blown tire out, and taking only 45 minutes to do it. Yeah, it took a while to figure that whole concept out, but eventually, it was back to the road. It was amazing that my vibration problem actually was related to the rear tire going bad. No more vibration! That was a good thing, but changing tires along side the cars going 75 past you is kinda adventurous. Anyhow, I was going over to Chamberlain to attend an assignor course for the fall soccer season. So, it was a very adventurous day to say the least.

Now, tonight, it's just sitting here and watching the Olympics. I've been really enjoying these, but have concluded these skiers are just nuts. 65 mph on snow, is just not a good plan. That's a hard surface to hit going that fast. Just finished the Super G for the women and the American Vonn won another medal. I'm really not a fan of her at all. She comes across to me as arrogant and cocky. I guess I shouldn't judge, but I'm not impressed. I was happy the other girl won a couple nights ago. I do hate the sight of the people falling and things though. You think of all the hours and time spent preparing, and I just hate seeing that disappointment to anyone. Well, time to watch more. Happy weekend!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Blogger's Block

I'm feeling like I need to be writing something, but what? I know you've heard of writer's block before, and I've got similar issues to that. Just cannot think of things that have happen recently that are blog worthy. Been incredibly busy, that's for sure. Wedding plans, work, work, work, some wedding plans, and work, and work, and that's pretty much true. I'm just wondering when it slows down. I'm hoping that's soon, but somehow, I'm doubting that's going to happen. It finally feels like we're close to the end of the planning of the wedding, just a handful of things left to do, and we're getting married!!! 39 days for those of your keeping track at home!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Almost Finished!

Well, I'm back! Seems like the only time I'm ever on here is the weekend. The week nights are just filled with other things and activities and wedding planning and wedding preparations, and all kinds of things. I keep thinking that it's all going to slow down here soon. I'm not sure that the world won't just leave me hanging on and dragging behind the car if I don't keep the pace up. Things for the wedding planning are beginning to reach their conclusions. The final touches will be put on in the next few weeks, and just so we can clear the air with some answers to the questions I've recently been fielding here:

- Yes, this wedding is really going to happen.
- Yes, she knows what she's getting herself into.
- No, I'm not forcing her to do anything.
- Yes, I've contributed to the wedding planning.
- Yes, she is sweet and kind, and she is a willing participant and there isn't a problem with her just because she might like me. (Come on people, give me a little credit!)

Of course it's all in good fun and she's definitely a sweetheart, and yes she wants to marry me too! So, the big day appears to be 42 days away, not that I'm counting down or anything!