I did come up with a couple other stories with Shirley providing us the great entertainment value. So, lets get back to the good stuff....
Story #4: I've already mentioned that this jetski did not pull skiers very well, but we were able to get some kneeboarding done fairly easily, because the pull is not just dead weight in the water, so Trent and I really took to that. We were at the lake one day, and I was up on the kneeboard, and was going along just fine. I'm spinning, I'm jumping (not too high, there wasn't much wake) but I was jumping, and was going just fine. All of the sudden, Trent swerves on the jetski, not sure what he was trying to avoid, but as mentioned, Shirley isn't too stable, and off he goes.....at a decent amount of speed. So, i just slowly coast to a stop, and drop into the water while Trent swims after the jetski he had just managed to throw himself off of.
Story #5: This one takes place at Lake Kampeska, and I'm not sure if it was the same day as the Ben story from last post, or if it's a different time, but Trent is out with the ski, which only weighed about 500 pounds, and her power was plenty to get her out of the water on a wave. So, he's doing figure 8's and making huge waves, and we are watching from the shore. He goes up over the top, and back down, and again, and then the jetski goes up......and no one is on it....Not sure what happened, but he's gone. A couple minutes later, it starts up again, and he keeps going. The puzzling, "Ohh, the ski is empty..." was quite a good laugh.
Story #6: This isn't so much a story, but Shirley's description said for 1-2 people. 2 people if one of them was under 50 pounds. I fell one time on the kneeboard, and had hurt myself on the landing, and Trent and I thew each other into the lake a couple of times before I just had to kneel on the back while Trent slowly throttles to keep it going and not tip over. One time with Courtney, she fell awkwardly off the kneeboard and I got back around, and I was going to pick her up and take her back to shore, and she threw me in a couple times before I finally figured out how to keep it upright while someone else got on. It only took me 3 months to learn, but I got it.....then sold it about a month later. Anyhow we got back to shore after I had balanced the ski while Courtney got on and got the kneeboard on, and then, pulling up to shore, dumped us both back into the lake. It was worth some comedic value to everyone else, and a very fitting end to the Shirley Chapter. It was after this weekend, that I decided it was time to take the bigger step up.
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