Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring is here....

Today is the 3rd day of spring, and it's been a nice weekend at the farm. Able to get some work done today, and also, despite the temps being only 35 degrees, I still took the time to get out Molly (for those of you who don't know it, that is the name she was given by Twila when I said that I was getting a new jetski), and get her rinsed off from all the dust and dirt that settled on her over the winter. It was quite cold, but she's back in the heated shop drying off, and getting ready for a warmer day when she will get her spring scrubbing, and waxing for the year. Hopefully next weekend will be the clean up day for her when she'll get the royal treatment. We also did a little work on the new camper (which is really a 1997, but it's really quite nice). There will be more of that in days to come. And since Molly is celebrating her 1st birthday soon, I had to think that means that "Shirley" (my first somewhat troubled jetski) departed here about one year ago. Shirley was named after I made the statement after picking up a new battery for that ski, "This jetski shall be named Shirley. Because 'Shirley' this machine will cost me more money." Boy was I ever right. I picked Molly up on the way home from delivering Shirley last year to her new owner. Here is the tribute to the departed Shirley, who left our family about a year ago.

Archive Photo of Shirley, a 1999 Seadoo XP Limited

Archive Photo of Molly, a 2007 Seadoo Wake

More, on the rocky relationship with Shirley is upcoming.....

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