Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pre-Season Action

Tonight was a bit of preseason action for the skiing season. The reason I say that is all runs were quite short, and I don't call the season open until Memorial Day Weekend. I was out tonight with some time on the sky ski, and wakeboard. Would have even knee-boarded, but the wrong kneeboard was delivered. Also learned that I'm going to have to give my dad some lessons in towing people behind the Seadoo. It didn't go too hot, although he did get better. We're also going to have to work on his water fashion. I was in my wetsuit with all the apparel that was needed to be in the water and on the Seadoo, and he's in jeans and a t-shirt with the lifejacket over the top. I do appreciate my parents coming to help tow me for a while, until Tom came to wakeboard after his wife let him. I've learned always ask her permission to see if Tom can come out and play, so thanks Steph. Well, that should wrap up the preseason time in the water. Next up we open the season in Watertown for a camping weekend. I'm already ready to turn over to 5 days and counting.

1 comment:

Glanzer77 said...

Please post a picture of the "scar" Tommy Boy put on your hull. They should not put those stupid start/stop buttons in a place your elbow can hit when you are loading a PWC.

Much sorrow was felt when I did are right...I do suck at precision driving a PWC.

Things I have hit on Tyler's SeaDoo...a boat dock, some seaweed and Tyler!

Good times...thanks for the wasted gas last back is sore.