Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween at the Office

I hope you all remembered to turn back your clocks last night. I only forgot about one. That little clock in your head that tells you when to get up. So 6am rolls around, and I cannot get back to sleep. I did for a while, but as of half an hour ago, I couldn't do it any more. So, here is the Halloween post.

I know yesterday I referenced the Living on Liquid Halloween Post from a year ago, and I also stated that I pretty much agreed with it last year. Well, this year, our team at work decided to that we were going to all participate together for the dress up contest. From what I understand, there are prizes and things involved here. Anyhow, I'll explain that as a tech support rep, there are three of us in the Mitchell office, and in our hall where our offices are, there is one other lady that does cost analysis type stuff. Anyhow, we all got in on this together and our floor theme was the 80's. Now, we didn't go all decked out, like some people did......

We decided to keep it simple, and went with the Revenge of the Nerds theme as the frat guys who always picked on the nerds. We actually decided we were the bad guys, and when certain people would come to our hall, we'd taunt them with chants of "Nerds, Nerds, Nerds." Our costume's were quite simple, and we got alot of laughs and compliments on our idea. Ohh, and we turned our hall into a locker room scene. We were the only hall in the building that was in it together.

Here are the people I work with too. Carl is wearing the sweater on the left. Paula is the one who does cost analysis work. Jeff is the leader of our group at the Mitchell office, as he's been employed the longest in the FM Support team (which I'm in). We all joke in our team to work in the Mitchell office as a FM Support Specialist, you must be born in 1982's fourth quarter. We are all one month apart from each other in age.

Now back to Halloween, you don't have to worry about me going to far overboard. I was obviously the preppy basketball player here, but I'm not planning to get all decked out next year for the celebration. But if it's simple again, I may participate.