Well, my wife and I would like to thank you for the opportunity to go to the pastor's conference last week. Now, I learned several things, but had a pretty rough week health wise. I made it through the sermons a couple weeks ago, then went down to Omaha not feeling very well. We woke up around 3:30am to get to the airport to catch our flight to Florida (suffering for the people at Northridge, huh?). Well, I didn't feel good at all once we got on the plane, and it was hot, and I was having trouble. So, during the flight, I looked at my wife, and said, "I really don't feel very good," and slumped over right there. She saw it happen right away and grabbed my head and sat me up trying to talk to me. The guy in the seat behind me jumped in, and didn't help much, "I think he's having a seizure!" Well, I wasn't, I'd just passed out, but my wife grabbed the flight attendant who declared a medical emergency on the plane, and then came to help try to revive me. So she sat down in the seat beside me, and started to talk to me, and boom, I woke up. Needless to say, my wife wasn't too impressed that she tried for several minutes to revive me and I didn't respond, but as soon as another woman sat down there, it was like I woke up right away. And I was ok. I was talking to everyone, and felt good. I had felt pretty bad getting on the plane, but then I felt pretty much like I had been shut down, and rebooted, just like a computer. You know how you computer is struggling along, and you reboot it and suddenly, boom! it's back to full power and running great. Well, that was me!
I was beside myself at this point. The story was injected with plenty of humor, but when he got to the rebooting part, I couldn't stop laughing. It just came out of nowhere, and was a perfect punch line. Maybe it just hit the computer geek side of me, but that was one of the best church stories all time for sure!

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