Sunday, February 1, 2009

People Watching...Odd Outfits / More "Small World" Moments / Superbowl

I'm the type of person that loves people watching. I could sit in an airport, or a mall, and watch people for hours. It can be kind of fun to wonder what they are like, or just things that we automatically assume about people. Of course, that also means we cannot get caught into judging people based on how they look. Well, I caught myself doing that this morning in church. The guy caught my eye when he was walking in with some plaid shorts, and an interesting colored and looking tshirt. Now, it was 31 degrees here this morning, so it feels like spring is right around the corner, but lets be realistic here. It's February 1, and it's still winter. Now, this guy sat not too far from me, but a couple rows in front of me so I could not really see this outfit again, which is probably good. However, I could see the tattoo on his neck, of a pair of lips. Now, of all the tattoos a person could get, that was the best available, and on the neck? I should not judge, but the decision making process that led to that decision would interest me a lot. But then I caught myself. I shouldn't judge. I don't know anything about this guy, or where he comes from, or where he's at. Just because he didn't look like I think people should look, doesn't give me the right to judge. So, now, my curiosity looks more into wondering what he's really like, because I'm guessing that the opinions I'd have given him if I'd have seen him in a mall or an airport, it probably wouldn't have been good. One thing I don't like about Sunday's, is how guilty I feel afterwards a lot of the time, and the bad part for me was the service hadn't even started yet.

After the service, I went and talked to a pastor at the church that they just hired at the beginning of the year. He is Pastor Paul, and came from Brookings. I was actually talking with the senior pastor at the time, which I find cool. I love hearing him preach, and I've talked about that in past posts. I like that the pastor of a church of around 500 people takes the time to talk with you one on one, and makes an effort to actually remember people and associate with them. So, I switched gears and went over to Pastor Paul and introduced myself, and he recognized my name immediately. Well, he knew the Wipf's from Huron area, and had known several people from Huron in Brookings at his church. I found out that he was the pastor at the church that I went to, Bethel Baptist, in Brookings. He was there when I was, knew alot of the people that I knew, and it was just a great discussion of I know who you know, and we had a real connection. He said sometime we'd have to get together and play the "Mennonite Game" (where you figure out how you're related to each other through Mennonites.) He can do this because his wife was originally a Kleinsasser, and in the group of Kleinsassers that founded Bethel MB Church over 100 years ago. I realize that I'm not that far away from Huron, but these situations keep coming at me too often, and they just boggle my mind.

Well, 5pm is the time for the Superbowl Party. I missed football last weekend, and to be honest, I've not even turned the TV on to listen to any of the pregame stuff this week leading up to today's game. I get annoyed at ESPN and all the experts who have all the answers to every team and how they can win or lose. Well, if they are so smart, why are the on television telling us about it, instead of working for one of these teams actually doing it. I guess it's under the guise of, "Those that aren't good enough to be out there actually doing it, just talk about it on radio/tv." Yes, that was also me poking fun at myself. Well, this evening, I'll be going for Arizona in the big game. I like Kurt Warner, and how the "old guy" can play in a league where every talks about having to be fast to compete. Speed helps, but a saavy player can outwit the speedy guy as he runs right past him. We'll see how it turns out, and how over stuffed I'll come away from tonight, but that's one of my favorite parts!

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