Thursday, May 28, 2009

First Win

Well, we finally got our first win of the softball season last night. Our team finds itself now at 1-5. Upon arriving to the game last night, I found that our normal pitcher was not going to be able to make it, so I got my first start of the year and made it an impressive one!! I thew seven innings only allowing 3 runs, and had a couple RBI at the plate to help in the 11-3 win. That success was short lived though, and game two was pretty rough. We filled the board with errors and kept giving the opponents extra outs. To end the first inning, I took a line drive off the palm of my glove hand and was injured. The wrist still is slightly swollen and it hurts. But, I hung in there to finish the game, even though in hindsight i probably should have left. I was in alot of pain and was tossing up meatballs. Well, next time I sure won't try to be that heroic. Upon arriving to work this morning, I sent a message to HR asking if there was workman's comp available if you're injured playing for the company softball team. Can you believe they won't give you workman's comp for that?!! That's just wrong.

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