Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy!!

Well, I've made it to the island without too many issues. Did have a problem getting to Minneapolis which almost threw a wrench into the whole travel plan, but we would not be denied. We got to Sioux Falls and found out that we were going to be delayed by about 45 mintues because the inbound flight was late. So, we were running way behind. By the time we got off the plane in Minneapolis, we had about 10 minutes to make it from one end of the MSP aiport to the other (and I'm not really exaggerating either)! So, we went a ways on foot, and tracked down a golf cart to take us the rest of the way. We'd have never made it on foot. We arrived at the gate for our 6:55 departure at 6:53. Yup, that's cutting it close, but we were on board. Now, we are here in Bermuda and got in today at 2:15 (which is 12:15 at home). We walked around the island a little and went into a couple shops and grabbed lunch/supper. So, tomorrow we head to work. That's the sad part about being here - there is work to be done. I'm hearing rumors of a 2 hour lunch break! I'm liking this a bit already! Ohh, and in case your wondering. Tomorrow's forecast here is 70. Have fun shovelling snow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I told Heather last night, I hope you get sweaty!!! Love ya. Mom