Ok, you've maybe seen the video from a while back. There was a young man was harassing John Kerry at a debate, and got a little out of hand, and was asked to calm down by police and escorted out by several officers. The part of the video that was most known was the part where the young man was begging the police men to not turn the taser loose on him. If you didn't catch that, you can go to youtube and find it, but be weary that the language is severe in the video.
Fast forward to last night when a Phillies fan runs onto the field. I've never been a fan of this behavior at all. One that is memorable from a few years ago was that the bat boy at the Metrodome laid a kid out who wanted to slide into home plate. Several years ago, a Royals coach was assulted by two fans in Chicago at a White Sox game (go figure). And, now, the national news is this Phillies fan gets tasered.
The opinions around the sports world are almost exclusively that this was handled properly. However, apparently, the public doesn't feel that way. It's about a 50/50 split on whether the police should have used that kind of force. What I don't get is what deterrent the police should use to keep people off the field. Threats or not, apparently jail time isn't enough of a deterrent for these idiots. I sure hope the threat of being tasered is now enough for these bums. Keep your rear end in your seat and off the field! The worst part was this kid, who was 17, called his dad to ask about doing this before he did it. His dad's response was that it probably wasn't a good idea. Hmmm. I'm thinking this kid got exactly what he deserved.
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