Well, it's been a while since I've written, and since I'm going to see Grandma this weekend, I better get one post on here. Let's see, what all has happened since our last camping expedition. Not a ton. We have been camping again, although it was with the big family campout. It was slightly different as our camper was a borrowed camper after mom and dad's got wrecked in a bad storm a few weeks ago. Otherwise, things have been somewhat quiet, except when I have been leaving for work. That's because it's back to the trusty old motorcycle. Ok, it's the trusty newer motorcycle, but still. We're reduced to just one car again. The Pontiac is taking a break, which seems to be happening a lot recently. There is something up with the starter. Haven't quite put my finger on it yet, but that's what I'm going after next. I went out to leave for work the morning after returning from Minnesota for the 4th, and it was dead. Don't quite know as sometimes it will start, and other times, nothing but clicking. If we wouldn't have put the new suspension on it recently, I'd think more about shipping the thing out. Time to shape up, or get shipped out!
That's been the most recent battle, but Heather gets the Trailblazer and I ride the motorcycle and if it's raining she also plays taxi. Coming up, I've got a trip scheduled, but with only one vehicle, it makes it tougher. So, we've got the logical plan for that. Heather is going to just come on the trip with me. I've got some travel credits to be used, so she's coming along pretty cheap. That's what's kinda nice about it, everything else is paid for, her food and her plane ticket (minus the $350 in credits) is all the expense. I looked at it on Wednesday afternoon, and it was somewhat spendy. When I checked again i the evening, the price was far cheaper, so she got booked to come along too. It's kinda the last harrah trip for the summer. Hard to believe that they'll be back in school in one month. Where did the summer go?
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