Friday, September 3, 2010


So, I'm sitting here tonight thinking back over the past couple of years. Two years ago, I was in Huron doing the radio gig daily, and keeping busy refereeing. Well, only one of those things is still true, I'm keeping busy refereeing. Two years later, I find my self with a house, two cars, a beautiful wife, and many things to be thankful for. I'm just amazed that two years ago in Huron, I didn't even know my wife was here, but through all the things that happened, we're now together with our own family. And, to make it even more exciting, coming in February will be member number three of our little family. Yup, Heather is having a baby. February 25 is the due date, so we're gearing up for an interesting winter. Mom and dad a bit on the excited side. Every time we see them, new toy for the new little one. We are currently in the process of getting a nursery ready, so once fall is over and we get close to winter, I'm going to be happy to have a little time to get some of these things done. So far, Heather has been feeling ok. The first trimester was kind of rough, but no serious sicknesses or anything, just some aches and pains, which has been nice. Things have been getting a lot better recently, so that's good as well. It's interesting though, because she's hungry all the time! I guess the little one got my appetite. It's been a fun ride so far though. It does make her job more interesting, and her coaching as well, but it looks like we've got a team full of baby sitters just waiting!

We will continue to be busy through the fall with volleyball, and the soccer schedule in full swing, and throw in a wedding, and we've got us a full fall. It's hard to believe that with Labor day, we draw summer to a close. It was far busier than we wanted, but it's been fun. And next summer, we have a new family member to share all that with!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations tyler. Olivea will be one on Feb 10th she would gladly show the baby the ropes and teach it some things. Tell heather congratulations also. Its a fun time.