Saturday, October 16, 2010


If you've noticed this being my first post in a couple weeks (or maybe 3 weeks), then I've got to tell you you should do better things with your time then keep looking at my blog. Just kidding, I love all my readers, but this is a show of how busy we are around here. I've been busy working, and that's meant some trips to Sioux Falls to work out of our office there. It's kept me busy for sure, and when you tack on some refereeing, that makes me extremely busy. Heather, she's just as busy. As if the teaching and carrying the baby around aren't enough, volleyball season is in full swing, but getting ready to wind down. She becomes one fairly tired puppy, that's for sure. Well, we'll see this all wind down for me next weekend will wrap up my soccer season, and Heather's season has two weeks left before the playoffs.

Well, as busy as we are, it's amazing we get anything done outside of work. I don't have any good story's to tell really, because all it is is running around makes us forget when funny things happen. Well, next week should be interesting. On Wednesday, Heather is leaving for the Cities for a few days, so I'll be all alone. I'm fairly well adapted to the married life, so I'm not really sure how I'm going to fare through all of this. Kind of scary, that's for sure. I'm sure I'll be ready to have her home sometime Wednesday (yes about the same time she'll leave, I'll be wanting her back). Should be a fairly interesting time.

Hope everyone's hunting kickoff was fun. I'm going to go with Heather to Huron tomorrow to talk with hunters and getting a good meal as well. Heather's told me she likes to eat pheasant, so I'm going to have to go after some here soon, but I'll be waiting until the busy season is over first.

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