Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just a waiting game

Well, Heather and I are continuing to play this waiting game. Her due date isn't until Feb 20, but we have some reasons to believe that LB will be making an appearance sooner than that. Even the doctor things that LB will come sooner. So, we sit and wait. The room is as ready as it's going to get, except for some new brackets that are being made to hold the mattress into the crib. So, we've got that all squared away, we've got the bags packed, and the Trailblazer is prepared for a carseat now. That is sitting ready to grab as well. All I have to get ready yet is the video camera and the ipod with headphones. No, we are not filming the birth, it's for afterwards. But, it's comforting to know that if we wanted to, we could get LB's birth in HD! Got the regular camera, and clothing, and baby clothing, so i'm thinking not much more to remember. I think part of the beauty of this is we have no idea what we're doing, so we aren't as terrified as maybe we should be.

1 comment:

Granny Deneise said...

Ignorance is bliss!!! You two will be just fine and do a great job getting my little granddaughter here!!! Prayers for all 3 of you and love to all.