Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mocked by the Wii

This next story is true, in it's entirety, and it happened a couple weeks ago, but then I was reminded about it today again when it happened a second time.

So, just for the fun of it, I've been getting on the Wii and seeing what my Wii Fit age has been. When I got on, it was very close to what my actual age was on all the different things I did. It ranged from 26-30, so I was happy. A couple weeks ago, I was just doing amazing. I was on everything. Anything I did I was doing amazing. I figured that it was going to be a very low age, and I was interested to see what it was. So, when it went to the screen where the age was displayed, it gave me a 20. Wow, I was pumped. I know it's not real, and there is no real value in it, but it was cool. After all 20 is the best you could get, so I did a little celebratory dance which my wife wishes she could block from her memory, and as we both turn back to the screen, the Wii Fitness age starts to tip to the right like the top right corner nail had come out. It's like having an item hung with two nails, one in each corner, and one falls out, so the item will then pivot so the only current nail is in the middle of that item. Well that's what happened, and as it started to tip, a new age formed from the top, and came crashing down smashing the 20, and pushing it off the bottom of the screen. Now, it displayed 24. WHAT???!!! WHAT JUST HAPPENED?? And what person got that programmed and put into that game? It made me mad, especially when I'd already broken out the celebratory dance. Heather couldn't stop laughing. She laughed for 5 straight minutes. I was ticked. It looked like the Wii saw me celebrate, and then decided to not reward that kind of behavior. Today, I took the same test, and the same thing happened. I hate that thing.....

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