Well, so far we've had Olivia for 9 days now. It's been an adventure. We've tried to be calm and just learn all we can, but everything is new and when you don't really know what you're doing to start with, its hard to not think something is up sometimes. So far, we've finally got her bilirubin levels under control, so she's doing very well. She's starting to spend more time awake and does more lung exercises (screaming) than she did right after she was born. Part of that is the bilirubin levels are down, so she's feeling better now. Eating is still and adventure. We are getting that worked out and figured out as well. Sleeping isn't as bad as I'd thought it might be. I'm still losing lots of it, so that's bad, but Heather is losing more of it, so that's why we're building nap time into her schedule. I'm hoping we can figure out how to continue that even into my work week. She's napping now, and it's been over two hours. I've got supper in the oven already, and Olivia is out here with me, and I'm just working on computer things with our home machines
I'm also getting ready for our foot of snow. I'd rather keep the 50 degrees than the foot of snow, but I guess on the up side, I get to use my snow blower again! I don't remember if I'd posted it or not, but I've pretty much figured out how to run the thing. The faster I go, the better it will blow. I'll have to use it a couple of times in this upcoming storm, otherwise a foot of snow would be a little much for it. Anyhow, I told Olivia she could come out and help me with the moving of snow. She just laid there and kept sleeping, so I'm not totally sure what that meant.
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