Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stay at home dad

The past two days, I've gotten to be the stay at home dad! With school about out, Heather is finishing it out without taking off, and because of a little "mishap" at our daycare, I've had Olivia at home for two days this week already, and possibly more will be pending. We will see what the verdict is later on today.

This evening, Olivia will attend her first concert at school. Heather is going to take her along so that I can get some work done here at the house. I'm going to be outside playing with chemicals, so coming back in to take care of Olivia is probably not a great idea. I've got a beautiful bloom of dandilions all over the front and the back is going to get some addressing tonight, hopefully. The big issue is that rain is predicted tomorrow, so I have to figure out if it will do any good to do this before more storms roll through tomorrow. All things to figure out this evening.

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