Saturday, July 9, 2011

Goodbye to the motorcycle

It was about 4 summers ago when i purchased my 2007 Vstar. A couple days ago, I received a check for the bike. It's now in a new owner's possession. I had to think back to some of the great moments with the bike that I can remember.

1. First trip to Sioux Falls after purchasing the bike - after just learning how to ride, I decided I needed to plan a route that did not involve the interstate. So, I rode a different route. On the way home, it was getting late, and getting dark, and the bugs started to come out, and I found out how cold the air is on a bike at night. I shivered all the way home 80 miles. That may not have even been the worst part. The bike didn't originally come with a windshield. After having a face splattered with bugs, I ordered a windshield immediately on arriving home.

2. Riding camping - The first time was with Dwight going out to Pierre to go camping. We were planning on riding out there, camping, then riding home. Well, I got out there, and was incredibly sore. The seat just wasn't up to snuff. Not just that, but in part of the camping excursion, Dwight got sick and could not ride any more, so Matt, the good sacrificial friend he is, rode out to Pierre one day, and we went home together. We made a few stops to help my sore rear end, but in the end, as soon as I arrived home, I order a new seat.

3. Riding Camping (#2) - This was the second time we did the for the same camping trip for 4th of July. Dwight, and my brother (who now got a bike) and I rode up to Gettysburg to camp. As we were 5 miles away, we got completely soaked by rain. The rest of that time was uneventful other than it took us hours to dry out.

Those are three of the big memories. I put 6000 miles on the bike before giving it up, and as it was for sale, my brother comes by with a beautiful newer bike the other day which make me wanting a new one, but for now, it won't be a reality for quite a few new years, but the odds of me having another bike someday are quite high. Now there is one more thing that I won't complete. I'd set out to see about riding all of the state and US highways in the state over the life of the motorcycle. That will not happen any more, although that was done quite some time ago when I met this girl.


Hannah Parkin said...

If your motorcycle could read this, it would surely be touched. 6000 miles isn't earned over a short period, and I'm sure that there are more memorable moments than those three you've mentioned. I hope you have a new bike now, and I hope it’s as good as your old one. :)


Claudio Mccarty said...

It’s never easy to say goodbye but that’s how life is. Just be grateful that it became a part of your life. Anyway, just enjoy your new memories with your bike! Have a lot of safe trips!