Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Big Changes for Big O

I've been meaning to post updates more frequently, but it's been a rat race around here. I've been on the road for work, and on the road for soccer, and Heather has been busy just trying to keep up with O. Olivia has lots of new tricks up her sleeve, but her biggest and most impressive one is pulling her self up. She can go to pretty much anything and pull herself into a standing position, and then slowly begin to walk while holding on to whatever she pulled herself up on. So, the couch is a favorite, but right now this morning, she's standing by her favorite chair, looking back every minute or so to make sure I'm still watching. Now she's making her way to the couch where I'm at so she can stand here and try to get to the computer keyboard. It's one of her favorite things to bang on since she's not supposed to. She hasn't figured out the dismount from standing yet. It's pretty much a big spill or land on the rear end with all the weight. She's gotta work on that, but it will come. We've only had a couple big head smacks, but it's part of learning all this.

This weekend wraps up high school soccer for me. The state tournement is in town, and after this weekend, only 5 weeks of the college season remain, but I'll become a lot less busy. It will be a busy weekend, but in the end, it will be nice to close the book on another soccer season. I don't see Olivia anymore, I gotta go see what trouble she's found now.

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