Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Trip Delayed

So, I didn't have to leave today! Originally I'd be writing from Tennessee tonight, but I'm still on my couch/decorating for Christmas. I'm just waiting until Olivia goes to bed before finishing the Christmas balls on the tree. Two of the three stockings are up. It wasn't until we hung the two of Heather and I, we realized we were short one. So, now we hang a new stocking which we have purchased, I just need to get her name on the top. Also added this year was the nativity scene (inside). The lights outside are on a timer, and now we just need to get the presents wrapped and under the tree.

So, with the trip delayed, we are wondering when it will be resumed. We are trying hard to get our client up and going, but we'll see when we end up resuming after our delay. The trip could come soon, or it could be out a while. We will wait and see (although we were supposed to be told this afternoon). I love surprises......

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Home from the Holidays - Just in time to leave again

Well, we had a successful holiday weekend. We were hoping that this time Olivia's sleeping went better than last time we were at my parents. Good news is that she was a much better sleeper this time around. We had a good time with the relatives and Olivia of course had to put on a show. She did so quite well and was quite good entertainment.

The weekend was spend visiting my older relatives in Huron we don't get to see too often. We also got to take in the auction and following that had an experiment with Olivia taking a nap and going to sleep for the night while we were at the auction. Both experiments proved to be a success! We were able to get her to sleep through the entire night by letting her ride in the vehicle. Once we got home though, the bad news rolled in. My parents ended up sick. That means that the three of us were exposed too. Heather didn't feel real well through today, but she was able to battle back and is doing ok.

Olivia has a few new tricks. She was taught patty cake over the weekend by Grandma. She also got a tooth! It's barely starting to poke through, and she hasn't been too cranky, so that's good! She's also starting to walk with slightly more consistency. She knows when she wants to walk, and she'll make a couple three steps on her way to where she's going. We'll be chasing her all over by Christmas.

Well, the middle of the week sends me back out on the road. I'm going to Virginia again for a long trip. I'll actually be gone for 10 days. That's going to be rough on both me and the family. I didn't want to leave them last time, but this time will be even worse! But, we will survive. I'll be back around December 10, so then we'll really be good for the Christmas holiday as we'll be wrapping up the project that we're currently working on. Well, bedtime is soon, plus we have lots of Christmas decorations to get put up. Oh, and the good news for Olivia is that we're putting them up when she's asleep. She went over to the partially assembled Christmas tree, and she is not a fan whatsoever! And that makes Heather and I happy!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

New work

Well, I've been doing some new work at the office. I recently got a promotion and moved to a new department helping new clients install and convert to our software from their old systems. It's been busy as I hit the ground running as I had a client in Virginia that needed me. I was out there last week and following Thanksgiving, I'll be headed back to start December. It's going to be a long trip so I'm not looking forward to it too much. But, it's the new job, and that will require some changes. Following that, I'm not sure what the next deal will be, so we'll see how it goes.

For Thanksgiving, we'll be staying in SD. We have lots on the agenda though. We have Thanksgiving Day, then Friday is Black Friday and my wife has mentioned the last couple of years that she hasn't gotten to go Black Friday shopping. Pretty much her entire family has to work on Friday, so she doesn't get to go with them any more. But this year she has a Black Friday plan to head out. So, Dad, Trent and I are on Olivia duty for Black Friday. I'm thinking Olivia will be going along in the next couple of years, but this time is not that time. Saturday is not the JVC Auction, so we'll have to take that in before returning home for the remainder of the weekend.

Olivia has some big new tricks up her sleeve, and not all of them are good. She has recently taken to screaming. That's not a good deal. We are trying to figure out a good way to break her of that. Our daycare provider is also teaching her not to do that, so we've got 3 of us trying to get her to stop it. The good one is that she is very close to walking. She has taken a few wobbly steps, and only a couple in a row, but she's sure learning. It's probably the beginning of the end for us.

Also, for us, we are working on the kitchen. We are doing what we can to try and maximize our space. A while back I mentioned that we cannot add on like we'd hoped. Instead we are just going to improve what we have. So, we are starting where the biggest need is, the kitchen! We just replaced our brand new refrigerator with another brand new fridge. We went with a counter depth version. We found one for under $2500, which was a feat let me tell you! It helps us maximize space in a small area. We will continue trying to improve as we can. Well, I'm done for the night as Olivia is sleeping, so I have to keep the noise down. Tomorrow, more improving and possibly getting the Christmas lights ready. It's almost time for them!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Olivia Tries Meat!

Today was a big day for Olivia. She had a crack at eating meat. No, it wasn't the good meat we all eat. It was from a free jar that we got from somewhere. I'll be honest, my first comment about it was that the smell reminded me of an old outhouse on Grandpa Pete's farm from back when I was a little guy. It smelled terrible. Anyhow, the ordeal began like this. More on the story after the video. Here is Olivia trying meat baby food.

So, following this Olivia took a nap, then we went shopping at Walmart. While there, I had some things to do in electronics. Heather and Olivia headed to groceries, and I caught up with them later. I found them and Olivia had some odd new colors on her. Apparently, she'd ended up throwing up the chicken and chicken gravy all over herself. The lovely smell was now all over her. After that though, she was incredibly happy, so something inside must have been bothering her. Needless to say, Chicken probably won't be on the list again.

Olivia Tries Meat!

Today was a big day for Olivia. She had a crack at eating meat. No, it wasn't the good meat we all eat. It was from a free jar that we got from somewhere. I'll be honest, my first comment about it was that the smell reminded me of an old outhouse on Grandpa Pete's farm from back when I was a little guy. It smelled terrible. Anyhow, the ordeal began like this. More on the story later. Here is Olivia trying meat baby food.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Employee Appreciation

Tonight Olivia got a new playmate. We brought a new babysitter in with CHR putting on an appreciation party for the employees. They are still doing the dance, but Heather and I didn't have a lot of interest and we'd rather be home anyhow, so we headed out after the dinner and awards were presented. The company handed out service awards for years of service, so it was nice to see some of my friends get honored by the company. I haven't qualified yet, so maybe someday I can get a nice bonus like they did.

Both O and the babysitter survived, and so did the house. This is all good. I never really doubted the babysitter, was just hoping that O would be cooperative, and she was! It was nice to have just a standard night out for a while, and since CHR put on the dinner, it only cost us the babysitter. One thing since having O was that all the nights out means that you basically pay double for a night out. So it was nice for the company to take care of half of it for us. Now if they'd just provide child care at the event, we'd be set!

Daylight savings time kicks in tonight, and I know that I'm already ready for some rest. We asked our babysitter to make sure to keep her awake as long as possible. We were trying to work it in all week, but Olivia wanted to be in bed at the regular time the entire week. When we got home, we were greeted by one happy and perked up baby. Olivia went nuts when she saw us just excited, limbs flailing about, it was fun to see! It took another hour to calm her down. We like that alot! We shall see how tonight goes.