Monday, November 21, 2011

New work

Well, I've been doing some new work at the office. I recently got a promotion and moved to a new department helping new clients install and convert to our software from their old systems. It's been busy as I hit the ground running as I had a client in Virginia that needed me. I was out there last week and following Thanksgiving, I'll be headed back to start December. It's going to be a long trip so I'm not looking forward to it too much. But, it's the new job, and that will require some changes. Following that, I'm not sure what the next deal will be, so we'll see how it goes.

For Thanksgiving, we'll be staying in SD. We have lots on the agenda though. We have Thanksgiving Day, then Friday is Black Friday and my wife has mentioned the last couple of years that she hasn't gotten to go Black Friday shopping. Pretty much her entire family has to work on Friday, so she doesn't get to go with them any more. But this year she has a Black Friday plan to head out. So, Dad, Trent and I are on Olivia duty for Black Friday. I'm thinking Olivia will be going along in the next couple of years, but this time is not that time. Saturday is not the JVC Auction, so we'll have to take that in before returning home for the remainder of the weekend.

Olivia has some big new tricks up her sleeve, and not all of them are good. She has recently taken to screaming. That's not a good deal. We are trying to figure out a good way to break her of that. Our daycare provider is also teaching her not to do that, so we've got 3 of us trying to get her to stop it. The good one is that she is very close to walking. She has taken a few wobbly steps, and only a couple in a row, but she's sure learning. It's probably the beginning of the end for us.

Also, for us, we are working on the kitchen. We are doing what we can to try and maximize our space. A while back I mentioned that we cannot add on like we'd hoped. Instead we are just going to improve what we have. So, we are starting where the biggest need is, the kitchen! We just replaced our brand new refrigerator with another brand new fridge. We went with a counter depth version. We found one for under $2500, which was a feat let me tell you! It helps us maximize space in a small area. We will continue trying to improve as we can. Well, I'm done for the night as Olivia is sleeping, so I have to keep the noise down. Tomorrow, more improving and possibly getting the Christmas lights ready. It's almost time for them!

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