Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Walking Around

The third member of the Wipf family (that would be Olivia) is now a walking machine. I can't believe that our little girl, who isn't too little anymore, is walking around and making us chase her all over. She is still a bit uneasy on her feet, but can cover a lot of ground pretty easily. So, now we are always keeping one person on her. It's a big change for all of us, and Olivia just seems to be more and more fearless as she gets more freedom. We often wonder where that little girl went that we brought home from the hospital. She is going to be one year old in just a couple of months.

We have been doing some indoor improvements around the house recently. Last weekend was a kitchen weekend. We took one of Heather's Black Friday purchases, a microwave, and put it in over the stove. That helps open up a lot of room on the counters now. We have also been working on the pantry/storage closet for the kitchen. I've now changed the configuration and put 5 shelves right up to the door now instead of requiring us to go into the closet to get things. Shelf number 6 is going up soon, as I just got the last shelf this week.

This coming weekend, who knows, I may do some work in the bedroom, or maybe outside finish up some things before the snow comes in. I may just do nothing as well. Who knows, we'll just see what comes our way!

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