Thursday, February 9, 2012

One Year of Olivia

Tomorrow we celebrate one year of life for our Olivia Hope! It doesn't hardly seem possible that she's one, and more tricks keep popping up. Now Olivia will like to run to a room with an open door and shut it. Just this morning, she got loose in the back of the house and I thought that all the doors were closed, but after opening 2 doors, I couldn't find her. So I started opening all the doors in the back, and suddenly, one of them started to close again. Found you O!! Olivia has brought so much joy over this past year, and it's wonderful to have a happy, productive, playful girl. Heather and I were talking about how fortunate we are to have such a nice cooperative girl. We talked about how spoiled we are and how any other children we end up having better be the exact same. And if you're wondering since our daughter is one is #2 on the way, the answer is no. So first happy birthday to Olivia on 2-10-12!

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