Thursday, June 7, 2012

Becoming Manager

Last night became a first in my softball career. I took over being the manager of our club. Well, it was just for one week, but I got to be the guy in charge. I now end my managerial streak with a win, although my overall record became 1-1 after a split night. I did make sure and tell our current manager he is no longer allowed to take vacations that begin on Wednesdays.

Well, things here at the new Wipf household are getting settled in. We are having more work though, and still trying to get the roofs replaced and the insurance companies satisfied, and lots of other projects that just seem to keep hanging around. Plus, I still have a garage half full of stuff here at the new house that needs to all be gone through. I'm thinking thats going to end up being a Saturday Morning endeavor this week. Saturday afternoon is totally booked up for us, and while the evening is free, I already know what I'm going to feel like doing Saturday evening, and that would be nothing. Doesn't help for getting all the work done, that's for sure, but with as busy as we are at work, I need some time to just relax.

Upcoming, our family here has two vacations planned. The annual Wipf Family Campout celebrates 20 years, and we have an extended weekend in the Black Hills in a couple weeks. It's going to mark my return to motorcycle riding as well! I have arranged for a nice 2012 Ultra Glide Harley to be waiting for me upon my arrival. Ok, my brother did it for me, but I may get to help him ride his bike out there too! Should be a fun event. Also, Heather and I have booked a trip to Nashville. Heather has some family there, so we will be heading to see them and some of the things the city of Nashville has to offer. Maybe, if we feel really ambitious I may venture down to Chattanooga for good old time's sake. Would be great to be back there, and we could actually be tourists there for the entire week. Someday, that may just happen. Anyhow, not sure if putting Olivia on a plane will be fun or not, but we're going to find out!

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