Sunday, November 18, 2012

Our Little Celiac

I just get a kick out of the various things we are learning. On Saturday, mom and dad watched Olivia while Heather and I went to Sioux Falls to talk and meet with a dietician at HyVee. She was a great resource, and is a diagnosed Celiac her self. I just chuckle every time I hear it now. People with Celiac disease are known as Celiacs. I kind of like it. I think it's got a good ring to it. So, I affectionately call her my little Celiac. So, our trip to Hyvee was very good, and we learned alot. I liked having a good resource, such as a dietician who has the disease, to help us and give us advice on what is good and what she doesn't care for personally.

So, the big adjustment was to how things are labeled and priced. We will be spending a lot of time reading nutricion labels, and looking through ingredients. What we livked is the labels all over the store that indicates what is Gluten free. We learned several things and will probably refer to Hyvee quite often. It's going to take some getting used to, but the adjustment is already in progress. But, Thanksgiving is coming this week. It's going to be tough. It's tough for me when Olivia comes up and wants bites of things she cannot have. Her little voice that says "Bite???" just breaks your heart to say no, you cannot have that. You can't convince a little 21 month old that it's going to make her sick. But, we will survive that too.

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