Sunday, December 14, 2008

Left out in the Cold

The blizzard came to us here in Mitchell. I'm sure alot of you have snow anyhow, but this was a little bit different. I was still up fairly late, and there wasn't any snow falling when I fell asleep. But, when I got up at 8am, there was the snow, and it was fairly deep. I'm not sure how much we got, but it had blown in, and drifted, and made driving kind of fun (if you have a 4x4). So, I plowed my way to church after very little sleep, and arrived at 8:27, perfect for the 8:30 service. Unfortunately, I was alone in the parking lot. That was unimpressive. In fact, I was down right mad. I got up, trudged through the freezing cold, plowed through the snow of some of the back streets to make it on time, and no one else had the nerve to show up. I wanted them to come and open the doors so I could at least pretend. Anyhow, as I was driving out of the parking lot, then it comes over the radio that all the churches in Mitchell had cancelled their services. Ahh, thanks alot. That would have been useful information about 10 minutes prior to when it was given. But, you know those radio personalities, they can't seem to deliver any kind of useful information at the appropriate time.

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