Thursday, March 19, 2009

Taking Hostages

There has been an ongoing thing here at the house that I've contemplated addressing, but it's usually not a huge deal. My roommate likes to set his alarm clocks fairly early in the morning, around 5:30 even though he doesn't get out of bed until 7am. I've not said anything, but this past weekend, I'd have enough. He actually left Friday night, and was gone for most of the weekend. However, he failed to shut the alarm clocks off. So, I get to bed late, and fairly tired, but happy, because I don't have to wake up for anything. I was torn from my great sleep at 5:45. By the time I got to his room to shut the alarm clocks off, there was another one going off in there somewhere too. Needless to say, that didn't make me happy, and didn't allow me to return to sleep. So, I took matters into my own hands, and had two alarm clocks as my hostages. My demands were met, so they were returned to their owner. He didn't find it as funny as me and a couple friends did, but it was still a good time!

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