That sounds like an odd title, but is one of my favorite liners from a radio station down here. At work, they pick what we listen to. Monday - Country, Tuesday - AC, Wednesday - Country, Thursday - Oldies, Friday - Big Jim (or AC if Big Jim doesn't come in, which it hasn't in weeks). So, I get to hear this liner twice a week on the country station and it makes me laugh. I had an interesting thought today. I was listening to the DJ here on the local AC station, and he said he was leaving the radio station. The thought for a brief moment that I could go take over for him. Then I remembered why I'd decided to leave radio to start with, and the reminders of low pay, sometimes odd hours, and very little vacation time crept in, and I quickly came back to my senses. Then, it turned out it was a joke anyway, so no biggie. Guess it confirms my being gone from radio. It didn't take me long to not want to do it again.
Work has been incredibly busy. The past couple of day I've finally felt like I was back on top of things again. We've been dealing with tons of issues, and I've been steadily plodding away at them, and am finally making a little progress. I'm also getting ready for a big training trip coming up on July 20, and then my vacation coming on July 24. I'm going to Europe! I'm quite excited and ready for the break. It will be my first big long real vacation since I started working our of college. Yeah for vacation benefits at work!
Just wondering Are you taking your Mom and Dad with you. I sure they would enjoy it
Linda has a good thought!!!!
They are free to purchase tickets also.
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