Sunday, April 25, 2010

I need my mower!

A while back, I acquired an old riding lawn mower to assist with the job of mowing the large yard. Of course, I've got some other plans for the back part of the yard, but will need an alley back there, or at least city permission to operate out of that particular area. I'm not sure if that will happen or not, as the lot next to me had blocked the back alley off and thus made it abandon, or it was never an alley to begin with, just a grass patch. So, anyway, I mowed the other day with a borrowed push mower. And while I appreciate the gesture, never again will I use a non-self propelled mower on a lawn that size. I spent 1.5 hours mowing that thing. And, while bagging makes the lawn look nice, I'm thinking that is going to get the kibosh put on it too. I'm told my mower will be done soon and delivered next weekend. Now all I need is Forrest Gump to come and mow, because it's exactly like the one he used at the beginning of the movie.

This weekend has been filled with projects and things going on all over the place. I'm happy that they are completed, however, this week I'm off to Florida. This trip has been postponed several times and I'll be returning often over the summer as this is a new client for our department. I'm wishing we'd have made these trips in the winter for 2 reasons:

1. It's cold here in the winter and not so much there,
2. I wasn't married in the winter.

Maybe I can get a "stowaway" on the plane one of these times.

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