Friday, April 20, 2012

Back to the Pitch

Well, another week behind us, and now the weekend is here. That means on the road and some soccer tomorrow. Going to head to USD for a scrimmage tomorrow, so more drive time than field time, but it will be nice to be out and about tomorrow. Then return home for more spring cleaning work. It's city wide cleanup this week, so that means trips to the dump are free! So, I'm going to venture there with the "new" pickup to see how we do hauling items. I'm thinking that I'm looking forward to the next couple of weekends already where I'll be home with no plans on the weekend which will be really nice. This spring, I've scaled back the number of soccer games that I'm doing, so that's kind of nice but I do miss it a bit, and am missing the checks of course.

Olivia got quite a bit of attention at day care at the end of the week. She's about the only one who never got sick. There was some stuff going around, but finally Olivia didn't have it! So, Olivia still ended up with a staff infection, but that didn't keep her out of daycare, nor does she complain about it. So, that's been nice to have a happier Olivia, not one that is sick. Olivia does have a new trick as well. She is into climbing now. She can pull herself up on the couch, but doesn't understand the distance=pain factor of falling off, so we keep a pretty close eye on her. A handful of days ago, she ran over the arm rest and off the side of the couch. I reached and caught her by her foot as her nose was a couple inches from the carpet. Fortunately, it didn't hurt her, and she thought it was a game at first, but I quickly had a little chat with her about not doing that again. Man, that child needs to get past the dare devil stage!

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