Thursday, April 19, 2012

Finally Got My Pickup

I've been telling Heather for a long time that I want a pickup. I've been selling her on the practicality of having one of these, and how many things we could do. Well, we decided to replace the Pontiac, and what did I do?? Got a car. Well, the practicality of having something that when we need to go a distance gets milage won out. So, we have the car, and the trailblazer, which means that my pickup is out, right? Wrong!! It's here!!

Ok, it's not exactly mine, but I like to think it is. And, it's not exactly a dream truck, and it's not exactly "new", and it's not exactly extended cab, and Olivia can't exactly ride in it. It happens to be grandpa's 1989 Ford F150, single cab, 4x2 pickup. It does have factory air and it has power windows and locks, and the red interior matches the outside. Plus, it's got the box and can help us do a lot of work around the place.

Currently, I've got several projects going on. I'm trying to beat the dandilions in the yard. I hate those things. I killed them all last year, but they came back. So, we've got some weed and feed on them, and I've got the liquid death for them if they don't go easily. Of course, what really makes me mad is that my yard appears to be the only one within 10 blocks that grows them. What's that all about? It's angering me for sure. Otherwise, I'm working on getting some fences put up to fence in the back yard, re-landscape a couple spots in the back yard, and haul all the debris out, and get some bad spots filled in with black dirt. I really despise landscaping! Ohh, and big THANK YOU to grandpa for loaning me his pickup!

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