Friday, August 31, 2012

I hate bees

So, I ha something happen to me this week that hasn't happened in a long, long time. I got stung by a bee. Let me share the entire story with you.

This past Thursday, Olivia was a bit more on the cranky side at bed time the past night, and squeaked a couple times in the night, enough to wake me up. She did fall back asleep on her own, but that feeling didn't allow for much restful sleep that night. So, I went into the day tired. I also had to go to Huron to referee soccer in the early evening, so I had a lot of things to do that morning. So, I run Olivia to daycare and get her dropped off. I head to the gas station and get filled up with gas and see that I'm running late. I had been having issues with one of my tires losing air, so I needed to go and air it up. So, I head over to the air pump at the Cenex, and put it on the car. The only thing that happens is more air comes out of the tire, and none goes in. I'm angry and dumbfounded, but knew that my day was too packed to get away to work on it more, so I ran back home quick to use my air compressor. To my dismay, mine wouldn't turn on. So, I'm 0/2 now, and late for work, and still don't have my tire aired up. So, I head toward work and stopped off at Coborns to use their air line, and their's lets more air out of the tire than Cenex's air hose did, so now I'm 0/3, and the tire is nearly flat. So, I called up Heather, and asked if she could come and meet me to switch cars so I could use the TB to do the traveling. So, I get to the school, and am waiting outside to get the keys, and I get stung by a bee. I was just standing there, minding my own business, and the dumb thing got me. I gave it a good whack, so I don't think he survived, but I couldn't find the body to dismember (which I would have, because I was mad). So, my arm starts to swell instantly. I got things moved over, then went home to get some antihistamines. I got them in me, and my arm started looking a lot better as the day went on. All in all, a 10 minute car swap turned into a 40 minute project. So, I thought all was going to be ok. Friday morning I wake up, and the entire crease of my elbow is red and hot to the touch. Great.....this is awesome. So, I went to the doctor, and of course they wanted to draw blood. that. Then the doctor comes in and tells me I have a serious skin infection that if I left untreated much longer would land me in the hospital. Seriously?!?!?!?! From a bee sting....I get a serious skin infection. At least it was only limited to my arm/elbow area. So, I got two options: 1. I could go to the hospital and get an IV, or 2. I could take a shot in the butt. Now, I'm not faced with too many decisions in life that are as difficult as this one. I would rather let someone hit me with a baseball bat than get stuck with a needle, and putting one in my butt doesn't sound like anything close to a good time. IV is by far the better option, but going to the hospital means I'm going to be paying 10 times too much for that service, so that wasn't a good option. I told the doctor I wasn't doing either, what options did I have for a pill. I was told that I didn't get a pill option, I had to pick one or two. So, out of two absolutely awful options, I chose the cheapest. My hip is still incredibly sore. I didn't get the shot in the cheek, it was actually in the hip area, which is bad enough. I have a hard time limping around. Sitting isn't comfortable at all, and there is just an ache that is constant. I have to go back to the doctor tomorrow, where I will again share my displeasure with him. Ohh, it's also not my regular doctor, so that makes it even more fun. I'm going get on my usual doctor, and tell him when bees are in season, he's not allow to take vacation!

Ok, so the update to this is I have a dotted outline on my arm of the previously infected area I'm getting looked at again tomorrow. That will be fun, and tonight I was shuffling vehicles around, because I'm leaving. Ohh, I totally left that part of the saga out!! I'm going out of the country on business next week, so I am dealing with this infection, on a holiday weekend, when I'm going to leave the country. That's awesome. So, I'm trying to get things set prior to my leaving, and I am in the garage walking past my air compressor, and I gave it a kick, because ultimately, it's the air compressor's fault. If it had worked, none of this would have happened. So, I kick it and happened to kick the air check release. Air comes shooting out of the thing. As it's loudly dispensing the air out the valve, I realize that there is nothing wrong with it at all. When I went to turn it on, it didn't need to turn on, because it was ready to go. It was fully charged with air, and all I had to do was put it on the tire to try it, and the air would have come. Grrrrrrr. But, the good news is my air compressor was spared a brutal death at the dump tomorrow morning, and the car is fixed!!

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