Sunday, August 26, 2012

One Big Party

Heather and I hosted our first major get together at the house tonight. I've finally finished the bathroom (outside of fixing an outlet and touchups on the trim), so we decided it was a good time to host our church group. We had a great time, and Olivia didn't know what to do with all the kids her age. Every family here had at least one child her age, and one family has two (a set of identical twins that I cannot ever tell apart). So Olivia had tons of kids to help her play with all of her toys, and it was great to have all the room we had to roam around and let the kids play up stairs, and we didn't even get to the basement. We were missing two families tonight, so had they have been here, we probably would have spread to the basement also. Kind of makes all that cleanup we did down there worthless, but I guess we needed to do that also to get it done, and to get ready for some company in a couple of weeks.

So, in all we had 18 people here, which meant a lot of hot dogs and hamburgers to go around, but all was a great success. We had been providing weekly updates on the house in Sunday school, so the group was kind of anxious to see the final product as where it stands now. I told Heather that I think the kitchen is next, so we'll have to have the group over again when that's completed. I'm not even sure when we'll get to that, but in due time, we shall see.

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