Monday, March 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Dear Molly....

One year ago today, I was rid of Shirley, and stopped to pick up the new jetski on the way home. So, here is how the story goes...

I sold the old jetski, while properly explaining all the issues, and I even gave her free delivery (within reason) and ended up sending her to the northern part of Minnesota. So, I dropped her off, went and visited my uncle in the Cities, and then continued home, with a quick stop in Watertown to pick up the new jetski. Didn't have to be without one very long, and it was quite simple. Pulled in, wrote the check. Got the instructions on her, and took her home. Very simple, and the major downfall was the point that I was going to have to break her in for 10 hours. The other catch was the max break in speed was 37 mph. It was tough to keep the ski going different speeds for the 10 hours, but I had lots of friends and family that came and helped me work off those first incredibly long 10 hours. Amazing how long it took to put them on, and the next ones (the ones that depreciate the jetski) just ran fast as could be....funny how that works. So, today (March 31) is the day I celebrate Molly's birthday. Happy 1 year Molly!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Shirley 1.2

I did come up with a couple other stories with Shirley providing us the great entertainment value. So, lets get back to the good stuff....

Story #4: I've already mentioned that this jetski did not pull skiers very well, but we were able to get some kneeboarding done fairly easily, because the pull is not just dead weight in the water, so Trent and I really took to that. We were at the lake one day, and I was up on the kneeboard, and was going along just fine. I'm spinning, I'm jumping (not too high, there wasn't much wake) but I was jumping, and was going just fine. All of the sudden, Trent swerves on the jetski, not sure what he was trying to avoid, but as mentioned, Shirley isn't too stable, and off he a decent amount of speed. So, i just slowly coast to a stop, and drop into the water while Trent swims after the jetski he had just managed to throw himself off of.

Story #5: This one takes place at Lake Kampeska, and I'm not sure if it was the same day as the Ben story from last post, or if it's a different time, but Trent is out with the ski, which only weighed about 500 pounds, and her power was plenty to get her out of the water on a wave. So, he's doing figure 8's and making huge waves, and we are watching from the shore. He goes up over the top, and back down, and again, and then the jetski goes up......and no one is on it....Not sure what happened, but he's gone. A couple minutes later, it starts up again, and he keeps going. The puzzling, "Ohh, the ski is empty..." was quite a good laugh.

Story #6: This isn't so much a story, but Shirley's description said for 1-2 people. 2 people if one of them was under 50 pounds. I fell one time on the kneeboard, and had hurt myself on the landing, and Trent and I thew each other into the lake a couple of times before I just had to kneel on the back while Trent slowly throttles to keep it going and not tip over. One time with Courtney, she fell awkwardly off the kneeboard and I got back around, and I was going to pick her up and take her back to shore, and she threw me in a couple times before I finally figured out how to keep it upright while someone else got on. It only took me 3 months to learn, but I got it.....then sold it about a month later. Anyhow we got back to shore after I had balanced the ski while Courtney got on and got the kneeboard on, and then, pulling up to shore, dumped us both back into the lake. It was worth some comedic value to everyone else, and a very fitting end to the Shirley Chapter. It was after this weekend, that I decided it was time to take the bigger step up.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Shirley 1.1

Well, enough on the negatives, Shirley did have some up sides. One of them was the comedic value. Not long after I had her, and got her running properly, my uncle Paul came to visit. One thing to note about Shirley was that she was SeaDoo XP. That model is known for a more advanced riders, it was more designed to cut and turn quickly, and she would have no problem throwing you in to the water.

Story #1: One of the great things to watch was people trying to get on. This is where uncle Paul comes in. He was standing by the boat dock, and getting on the ski, when it started to roll, so he shifted his weight to try to stay up, so it went that way due to the overcompensation of weight....over she goes, with uncle Paul still hanging on. We saw the bottom of the ski, and a few seconds later, uncle Paul came back to the surface sputtering water out of his mouth. So, we had to load Shirley back up and I had to go work on her since rolling her over always caused the engine compartment to fill with water. The work was well worth the laugh though.

Story #2: This involves a trip to Lake Kampeska. So, I'm on the beach with my cousin Sherry who brought the kids out, and Ben, who was 3 at the time, wanted a ride, but he did NOT like the water spraying up on him, so he made Trent go slow. He had seen Trent being quite wild, so he wasn't sure he wanted a ride. Trent told him he'd be kind, so Ben agreed to go, but only go slow! So they started driving around. Well, Shirley isn't really stable at low speeds, but Trent kept her upright, well almost. Coming back to shore, it started to go, and Trent grabbed Ben and held him as they both went off the side and into the water. The look on Ben's face was priceless. The look of shock that said, "I can't believe you just threw me into the lake" said it all, and Sherry and I could only laugh at the expression. Ben would not get back on the jetski.

Story #3: We were at the family campout, and we had the two jetskis there. So, my cousin-in-law Jeremy decided to take mine for a spin. It was the first time we'd had more than 1 ski. He managed to get on, but it was wobbling all over, be got going, and was tearing around. Well, he got too wild and threw himself off. I was watching from the shore sitting by aunt Deanna. Well, we watched, and laughed as Jeremy would get most of the way back on, only to be bucked back into the lake. After about 7 minutes, we could hardly breathe we were laughing so hard. Trent got on the other jetski, went out and held mine so Jeremy could get back on and come back to shore to the roaring laughter of the family that had gathered to watch this spectacle. So, thus we did get some good times out of Shirley, despite her obscene repair bills.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Shirley 1.0

Well, last post I talked about Shirley, and how she came around to being my jetski. Well, when she came home, it was a fun first trip. I went to the lake with Dwight, on a nice day in early May. However, things didn't get off to a good start. First attempt at putting it in the water, and the ski would not start. So, I put my battery pack on the battery, and let it set for a while, and then the ski fired up on the next try. So, Dwight happened to be the one on it, so he ran it a while, then I got on her, and she did quite well, although I noticed that the speedometer didn't work quite right, but ohh well, that was alright. So, it came time to put her on the trailer after a hardly successful first run, although I was disappointed about the speedometer not working. So, I started to the trailer, and was just getting close, and it died. Great, so now the first run was a failure. Worse, it's early May, water isn't warm at all. So I hopped in. I was only about 25 feet from the end of the dock, so I figured, no biggie, about waste deep. WRONG. Jumped in, and over my head. Whoa. I know what "take your breath away cold" is. Well, I got it back up on the trailer, and took in to Watertown to get diagnosed. Although I figured it was a bad battery. So, I put a new on, and hoped for the best. Well, it didn't work right. Battery wore down, and that was it. So, I decided that maybe it would be good to look to Sioux Falls' dealer for help. Big dealership, good equipment, easy to get the problem solved. Well, it wasn't the case. They didn't get it right, and charged me nearly two thousand dollars to do it. Well, that did not go well, but I thought it was fixed. Took it home, and put it in the lake. As I drove around, it was very quick, and very good, problem solved. WRONG. As I kept driving around on the lake, I noticed it getting slower, and sinking? Right back to the dock, and fast. Well, made it, but I was already sitting in water, although the ski was mostly under water. Well, I did get it back on the trailer, and back to Watertown, because the Sioux Falls dealership had not put the water cooling line back on, so the engine, which normally pumps water through the engine to cool it, instead, it was pumping it into the sealed engine compartment, thus why I was sinking. So, Watertown told me the problem, another several hundred dollars. Should have stayed with them to start with, but I learned my lesson. Anyhow, after getting it back from Watertown, it ran quite well. Was getting about 55 mph on it (according to other watercrafts that told me that since the speedometer did not work.) And, the fun that was had....more on that later. Anyway, the other thing was, I wanted to pull skiers, kneeboarders, and even a wakeboard if needed. Well, Shirley had a 2 stroke 135 horse engine, and wasn't too good at that. Kneeboard was ok, but the pulling the rest from dead stop was too much of a challenge for Shirley. So, I decided to sell....

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring is here....

Today is the 3rd day of spring, and it's been a nice weekend at the farm. Able to get some work done today, and also, despite the temps being only 35 degrees, I still took the time to get out Molly (for those of you who don't know it, that is the name she was given by Twila when I said that I was getting a new jetski), and get her rinsed off from all the dust and dirt that settled on her over the winter. It was quite cold, but she's back in the heated shop drying off, and getting ready for a warmer day when she will get her spring scrubbing, and waxing for the year. Hopefully next weekend will be the clean up day for her when she'll get the royal treatment. We also did a little work on the new camper (which is really a 1997, but it's really quite nice). There will be more of that in days to come. And since Molly is celebrating her 1st birthday soon, I had to think that means that "Shirley" (my first somewhat troubled jetski) departed here about one year ago. Shirley was named after I made the statement after picking up a new battery for that ski, "This jetski shall be named Shirley. Because 'Shirley' this machine will cost me more money." Boy was I ever right. I picked Molly up on the way home from delivering Shirley last year to her new owner. Here is the tribute to the departed Shirley, who left our family about a year ago.

Archive Photo of Shirley, a 1999 Seadoo XP Limited

Archive Photo of Molly, a 2007 Seadoo Wake

More, on the rocky relationship with Shirley is upcoming.....

Thursday, March 20, 2008

REVISED: Cooking with T-Dub

So, I've received some responses from the last Cooking post. Also, I've already gotten requests for the chili portion of the meal. The recipe is actually from my mother (my mom's chili is the greatest). I also like to mix alot of crackers with my chili, or corn chips if they are available, and some cheese in there. There was also a traumatic experience from my childhood where I was made fun of for how I eat my chili that I've still not forgotten. At any rate, here is a revision for the Cooking with T-Dub segment.

1. Find anywhere that might have hotdogs of any kind, and buns (and chili or items to make chili, anywhere that might have a chance at having the items).
2. Cook Hot Dogs and warm up chili that you had for supper the night before
3. Once dogs are cooked, and chili warm, combine in bun and put on extras as you feel led.

There ya have it. Also, thought you might enjoy this part. A new promo that was inspired by the Cooking with T-Dub original post.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cooking with T-dub

At work, DK Osier has started calling me T-Dub (as a shorter way of saying TW, which is the nickname that Jeff came up with a few months ago.) So, thus the name and where it comes from. Also, some of you know that at the station, on Wednesdays is Cooking with Jan. Jan's recipes can be found by clicking here. There are 2+ years of some good ideas in there, check if out if you are in need of some new mixes. So, here is a spin off of that: the first session of Cooking with T-Dub. Tonights menu here, which I cooked was Chili Dogs. So, here is how you do it.

1. Go to Walmart and get the buns and hotdogs
2. Cook Hot Dogs and warm up chili that you had for supper the night before
3. Once dogs are cooked, and chili warm, combine in bun and put on extras as you feel led.

Then, take extra hot dogs to work tomorrow and eat them with easy mac. Chili still left over from 2 meals can be eaten for lunch in 2 days, or supper tomorrow night. And that is this week's Cooking with T-Dub.

Friday, March 14, 2008

One of those things that makes you wonder....

From my studio window, I look out over the beautiful surroundings of Dakota Ave right at 18th street, and there are times you see some things that just really make you chuckle. Today, was one of those times.... I wish I had a camera with me. I watched as a FedEx truck pulled up and delivered a package across the street. That doesn't seem that odd, unless you remember what is right across the street from our station. The UPS Store. I had to watch closely to make sure, but indeed, a package had been delivered to the UPS Store via FedEx. I had to chuckle to myself, and the wonder how on earth that worked. Think that's an odd feeling for that delivery driver? Wouldn't it like being asked to put Coke Products in a Pepsi Machine?

Monday, March 10, 2008

I've got a new idea....

I've heard several people complain today that the time change just won't let them go, and they are still tired even after the weekend to recover from springing forward an hour. It actually became a topic of discussion at the office today. We concluded that we are just softer people today with not adjusting to the time change better. Anyhow, my thought is pretty simple. Let's just keep subtracting an hour every fall, and then not give it back in the spring. Then everyone is happy! In a few years, we could just switch 10PM to 10am and be back on the right side again. It may have a few kinks, but I like it. Or maybe just fall back three hours for a week and almost be back on track quickly. Change leap year to just leap over a couple days every year to even it back out. I'm just lobbying for some days worth more sleep, that's all I'm going for anyway.

Well, spring fever is beginning here. Temps are going to be in the 50s for the next couple of days, and I'm getting antsy to get out. Tonight is my first night of summer vacation. Mine actaully starts in March at the end of the sports broadcasting season. Summer is now here (at least for me in theory....)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Chaos is over....

Tomorrow afternoon, I'll be on summer break. My seasons will all be over for winter, and with spring right around the corner, it's hard to believe that's it's over already. So my summer break is usually the middle of March to the middle of August, so just like the school kids, it's time for summer to get here. 75 Days to the first camping expedition of the year, but I'm not really counting that close. Then after that one another month later, ohhhh boy it's getting fun and exciting.

So I see in the news that Nascar is back after their customary 3 1/2 week break after an 11 month season. I saw the one driver got docked alot of points for not having the oil cap on the engine. Does that help? Really? It gives me a warning light on my vehicle, but somehow it helps that guy win a race. Interesting.....